Senior Center News

Ice Cream Social and Karaoke
Wednesday, Aug. 10, at 1pm
No Charge
Join us outside (weather permitting)for a fun afternoon of karaoke paired with a delicious ice cream sundae! We will have a variety of great toppings to choose from.
While you’re here, sing along with some of your favorite classics! Get on stage yourself or join some friends. It’s all good fun, no need to be shy!
Call 508-429-0622 to sign up
Deadline to sign up is Aug. 3
Introducing “Select Chat”!
First Friday each Month
9:30 to 10:30am
Have a cup of coffee with Select Board Chair, Ben Sparrell to share your thoughts about Holliston. Feel free to bring your ideas and suggestions to the table! Please call to sign up: 508-429-0622
Coffee with Holliston Police
Tuesday, Aug. 2, at 2pm
Thank you to Sergeant Remkus and Officer Ciavarra for this wonderful program. Please provide a topic or question you would like the officers to cover.
Call the Senior Center to sign up at 508-429-0622.
Senior Center Annual Fall Fair
Saturday. Sept. 10, 9 am-3 pm - Rain or Shine
We are gearing up for the Annual Fall Fair on Saturdav, Sept. 10. sponsored by the Senior Support Foundation. 100% of the proceeds go toward our programs and classes. and bring ONLY GENTLY-USED items-_No clothing please!
Bookstore-_Bring us your GENTLY-USED books for all ages: fiction, nonfiction, or self-help books. We also love large print books! We do no accept textbooks, books with ripped covers or with brown spots/mold. Please bring books to the Bookstore inside the Center. Books may be dropped off anytime throughout the year.
Jewelry-All used jewelry is welcome and can be dropped off to the Receptionist during the hours the Center is open.
Baked Goods--Please let us know if you are willing to bake cookies, cakes. pies or any other delicious items for our bake sale the day of the Fair. Call and leave your name with the Receptionist (508-429-0622).
Videos and Music-_We collect DVDs, CDs, Albums and Sheet Music - No VHS. Drop off at the Bookstore during any I hours the Center is open.
Raffle / Silent Auction--We welcome gift cards, gift baskets, and goods and services for individuals to bid on at the Auction. Please drop off donations to Amanda Boralessa.
Craft Table-_We are also collecting handmade crafts (knitting, quilting, etc.) Please drop off with Amanda Boralessa.
Linens and Stationery-We need GENTLY-USED linens (blankets, sheets, towels, tablecloths, napkins, decorative pillows, etc.) and boxed stationery, office supplies, etc. Please drop off at the Garage.
Good-As-New Shoppe-We collect used small items (glassware, kitchen items, knick-knacks, etc.) year-round. No coffee mugs or mismatched glassware or dish ware. Please drop off in the Good-As-New Shoppe or Garage
Picture Frames-Donations of framed art, pictures, and musical instruments (only items that can fit in a car) can be donated. Please drop off at the Garage at the Center.
Garage Sale- We take everything from bikes to baskets, glassware to globes, gently-used chairs to china, tables to toys, etc.
We CANNOT take upholstered or large pieces of furniture, No Baby Items with Fabric, Baby Furniture or Car Seats.
No large exercise equipment, no TVs, large electronics, or any computers. If you are interested in donating a large item please contact Sheila Joslin at 508-429-7259.
We need your help to make the Fair happen. The Fall Fair committee is seeking volunteers to help with the Fair. We are looking for folks on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays to help with accepting, sorting and pricing donations. We will need people to help with set up on Fridav, Sept. 9, and all da Saturday, Sept. 10.
Call the Senior Center if you would like to volunteer 508-429-0622.
Monthly Breakfast
Aug. 9, at 9am
Join us for a delicious breakfast. Thank you to the SSF for underwriting our breakfasts! $3 donation requested.
Please call the Center at least 2 business days in advance to sign up: 508-429-0622.
Book Club
We welcome you to join us on the second Friday of the month at 1:30 pm to enjoy some interesting titles.
Aug. 12: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith 508-429-0622; The Holliston Public Library can help you get books for the meetings. Call the Library with questions: 508-429-0617.
Exercise Classes
Walking Group Wednesdays, 9:30 AM
Walking group is taking a break for the months of July and August. We’ll be back in the Fall! Let’s all enjoy walking outdoors and in our neighborhoods in the meantime!