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Holliston - Local Town Pages

Take Second Envisioning Holliston Survey

The Envisioning Future Holliston Committee needs your help! They are looking for 1000 residents to fill out Survey #2 to help shape Holliston’s future. If you have not already, please take a few minutes and take the Survey. The Town and Committee thanks you for your time and help.

This survey will be used by the Envisioning Future Holliston committee to generate an official town report. Following the presentation at an upcoming town meeting, this report will be publicly available for all town committees, boards, residents and stakeholders. 

It seeks your views, priorities and commentary about Holliston in the areas of: water resources & open space, community character & design, housing, town services, age-friendly services, climate resiliency & sustainability, economy, connectivity, public recreation, schools and library.

***This survey should take less than
30 minutes to complete. ***

Email is collected ONLY to track unique responses and will NOT be used for any other purpose. All responses will remain anonymous.

Your Gmail account is used only to allow for you to save your progress and return at a later time. The account is not reported with your response.

Survey can be found here: