Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors 2025 Grant Application is now Open

Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors (HNN) has long been committed to giving back to our community. Throughout the year, HNN organizes fundraising events which contribute to the HNN Community Investment Grant Fund. The 2024 fundraisers that contributed to the HNN Community Grant Fund for 2025 were the Prize-A-Day Calendar Raffle, Touch-A-Truck, The Great Pumpkin Trail Walk and the Comedy Night.
We will consider only those grant applications that are completed in full and will prioritize funding for those grant proposals that best fit the criteria established by the Community Investment Committee. Specifically, supporting groups that do not have significant income from fundraising and whose grant application demonstrates that the project would:
1. Have a significant impact on the community
2. Provide needed services/projects to the community at large
3. Impact a large number of Holliston residents
Please note, grant proposals that seek to redistribute funds or that seeks funds strictly for operating costs will not be considered. All educational requests must be submitted through the designated school administrator, and no individual educator requests will be reviewed.
Also, please indicate whether or not it will be possible to complete the project within the next calendar year if your request is only partially funded. Applicants are also asked to share what they see as the loss to the community if HNN does not fund their grant. All applicants will be notified of committee’s decision in April 2025.
The 2025 grant application is available on the Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors website https://www.hollistonnewcomers.org/page-18102. The deadline for requests is February 25, 2025. Requests received after the deadline will not be considered.
Applications can be emailed to [email protected] or received at the address noted below.
Community Investments Committee
Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors
P.O. Box 6581
Holliston, MA 01746
If you have any questions, please email the HNN Community Investments Committee -