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Select Board Approves Policy Statement Allowing Legal Non-Citizen Residents to Serve in Appointed Positions

By Theresa Knapp
At its meeting on Jan. 13, the Holliston Select Board approved a policy statement that allows legal Holliston residents, regardless of citizen status, to serve in appointed positions in local government. 
In August, a Holliston resident, who is not a U.S. citizen, asked the town to consider a Home Rule petition to allow non-U.S. citizens residing in Holliston to vote in municipal town elections. At that meeting, Massachusetts State Representative James Arena-DeRosa said similar Home Rule petitions had been denied by the State Legislature because they have been determined to be unconstitutional.  
At the January meeting, Select Board member Damon Dimmick, who took on the effort in August, said, “The idea here is to be more inclusive and to actually allow us to [tap into] the potential that we have in our legal residents who are really eager to contribute to town government and this government in any ways they can.” 
Dimmick said, “This particular policy statement is a statement only, it is not something that can be litigated in the future, it is us clarifying a viewpoint that we have spoken with counsel about to make it quite clear how we want to be inclusive.” 
The policy statement reads: 
“The Town of Holliston welcomes and encourages participation on its appointed boards, committees, and commissions from all legal residents who maintain Holliston as their primary residence, regardless of citizenship status, unless specifically prohibited by state law or other governing regulations. Legal non-citizen residents who maintain Holliston as their primary residence are eligible for appointment to town boards and committees on the same basis as citizen residents. As required by Massachusetts law, elected positions may only be held by registered voters who are U.S. citizens. This includes but is not limited to positions such as Select Board, School Committee, Board of Health, Planning Board, Library Trustees, Board of Assessors, Finance Committee, Housing Authority, and Park Commission.” 
Select Board member Benjamin Sparrell said, “I think it’s a great idea, I love to see more inclusion and opportunities for people to participate in government.” 
Select Board Chair Tina Hein said, “We know that this is an important direction for the board to take policy-wise for our community. I would add that this is very much a Holliston-specific policy decision, it’s devoid of any national consideration rather it’s a response to our local demographics and the need and the benefit of being a community in which every resident feels that they belong. I do believe that this is a core value here in Holliston.”
The policy statement was referred to the Town Administrator and Town Clerk for implementation, or to present any relevant issues to the board by Feb. 24.