Newcomers Club Continue Easter Basket Donations

Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors is once again helping the Holliston Pantry Shelf with Easter Gifts! Donations are being accepted through March 17th so that we can provide the gift cards to the families before Easter.
HNN is asking for monetary donations to purchase gift cards for children 0 – 17 years old ($25 value.)
We do not have a count yet - so we don’t know our goal - but you can donate online at and select Easter Baskets, or you can mail a check to Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors, PO Box 6581, Holliston and indicate Easter Gift on the check. If you have any questions, please email: [email protected]
Be a part of putting a smile on the faces of so many deserving kids in our community. The HNN Easter Gift committee thanks you in advance for your support!
Easter Basket Committee
Tricia Benson [email protected]