Holliston Walk Followed By a Soup Social

The Walk ‘n Mass Volkssport Club invites walkers to complete a 5km or 10km (3.1 or 6.2 mile) walk route in Holliston, and join in on the Club’s Soup Social. This is a walk-at-your-own pace, just-for-fun event “in your own backyard”.
The start point is the First Congregational Church, 725 Washington St., Holliston. The 5km start time is 10:15- 11:00 a.m. and the 10km start time is 9-10 a.m. The walk times are staggered so that walkers will finish shortly before noon when the soups are served.
The 10km walk is comprised of two loops and the first loop, much of which is on flat paved surfaces, is also the 5km route.
The 5km loop traverses through downtown before venturing into the Mudville neighborhood. A tribute to Casey at the Bat and Irish immigrants who originally settled Mudville will be seen before heading to Arch Street walking under a 1-arch railroad bridge, listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the smallest railroad bridge in the world.
Walkers will then head up to the Upper Charles Rail Trail to Blair Square and continue on the Rail Trail. If conditions do not allow walking on the Rail Trail over the 8-Arch Bridgeb, a parallel street route will be used offering a view of it.
The second loop of the 10km route travels through the Thomas Hollis Historic District with stately antique colonial homes dating to the early 19th century.
Volkssporting events sponsored by Walk ‘n Mass Volkssport Club promote fun, fitness and friendship through non-competitive walking and biking free to the public. There is also an achievement awards program through the “AVA America’s Walking Club” contact Bev at 774-279-0740 or email [email protected] or visit www.walknmass.org.