Want to know more about Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors?

Whether you’ve recently moved to Holliston, just moved across town, or have lived in Holliston for years - Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors is a place to get to know your neighbors and give back to our great community. HNN is a not-for-profit organization that coordinates charitable, civic, and recreational events and activities. And no - you don’t have to be new to be a newcomer. There is no time limit on when you can join or for how long you can be a member.
HNN gives back by coordinating the Thanksgiving & Easter drives for the Holliston Pantry Shelf as well as Thanksgiving Meals for Seniors delivering a holiday meal to their homes. Our fundraisers like the Great Pumpkin Trail & Touch A Truck events supports community organizations including Holliston Parks & Rec Summer Concerts & Holliston Public Library Museum Passes. Plus there are also many member-only groups and events for both adults and children.
Want to know more? Join us at our General Meeting Social on Wednesday, Jan. 25, from 7-8pm at the Holliston Historical Society Asa Whiting House. Meet the Executive Board and Activity Committee members and hear how HNN might be the place for you. Coffee and dessert bar will be available. For more information, email [email protected] and check us out at hollistonnewcomers.org.
Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors - Building Friendships, Building Community