Holliston Pantry Shelf offers food free of charge

According to the Holliston Pantry Shelf website, the group offers food free of charge to Holliston residents in need. In addition, they:
• Offer a grocery store shopping experience where Holliston residents are able to select from close to 500 quality food items, including: milk, beef, chicken, fish, pork, seasonal produce, eggs, cheese, yogurt, canned soups, beans, pastas, cereals, coffee, snacks, and much more. We also offer personal care items like shampoo, laundry detergent, soap and toothpaste.
• Are open 5 days a week including two evenings a week.
• Offer complete privacy and confidentiality for our neighbors who need temporary or longer term help meeting their grocery needs. Shoppers need to only obtain a Pantry ID card through the Town Clerk’s office at the Town Hall. Personal financial information is not required. Proof of residency in Holliston is required.
In addition, they are a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation, and receive no municipal, state or federal funding, and is operated by more than 120 unpaid volunteers. All monetary donations to Holliston Pantry Shelf go directly toward the purchase of food or maintaining our Pantry space.
Source: www.hollistonpantryshelf.org