Ahern to remain Town Administrator through 2026 Travis Ahern was awarded another three-year contract, effective July 1

By Theresa Knapp
At its meeting on Oct. 3, the Holliston Select Board unanimously voted to offer another three-year contract to current Town Administrator Travis Ahern. The contract will take effect July 1, 2023.
Ahern, who started in the role in July 2020, thanked the board and the town for the new contract. “I think it signals a strong message to staff that I’m here for longer as we continue to build this team and make improvements,” he said.
Regarding negotiations, Select Board Chair Ben Sparrell said, “We sat down with Travis and heard about where he was coming from, and then we talked to labor counsel and worked out a few kinks, and we came to an agreement with Travis to sign him for a contract for another three years…We’re really grateful to have him here.”
“This was a very easy decision,” said Select Board member Tina Hein. “He is doing an excellent job. We are lucky to have had him for the time that we have, and are very much grateful that we will continue to have him for another three-year contract.”