Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors Ends Another Great Year

Summer is here which will bring the Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors 2021-2022 membership year to a close and time to look back at all we were able to accomplish. HNN’s mission is to coordinate charitable, civic and recreational events and activities that benefit the Holliston community. That also includes the people of our community. Although not completely back to normal, HNN was still able to reach out to our community and reach in to our members.
HNN successfully coordinated a donation drive for both Thanksgiving Baskets and Easter Baskets supporting the Holliston Pantry Shelf patrons as well as Thanksgiving Meals for Seniors supporting the Holliston Senior Center. The HNN Community Grant Fund was able to support our standing community projects - Holliston Parks & Recreation’s Summer Concerts at Goodwill Park and some popular museum passes coordinated by the Holliston Public Library.
Organizing fundraisers to benefit the Community Grant Fund may take a little work, but HNN aims to make these fun events for the community and membership. This year we held our Pumpkin Walk on the Rail Trail in October, a virtual Gingerbread House Decorating event in December (with instruction by Abby from Sincere Cheer), a No Cook Night with Bazel’s in February, A Prize A Day calendar raffle in May and Touch-A-Truck made a fantastic return in June with the partnership of the Holliston Police Association. That’s all thanks to the member volunteers that organized these events as well as the members and people from the community who donated and attended these fundraising events. And of course, the community can always help HNN give back by contributing directly to the HNN Community Grant Fund here https://hollistonnewcomers.org/Donate.
HNN isn’t all work and no play. Another goal of HNN is to get people together in our community. Something that was especially needed these past few years. So many life-long friendships began at an HNN member social event. This year, we were excited to be able to hold both in person and virtual get-togethers through our monthly book club and many social activities including our annual holiday party with a no-contact yankee swap, wine tasting at La Cantina Winery in Franklin and a hike at Noon Hill Reservation in Medfield. The children of our membership also enjoyed a few get-togethers at Altitude Trampoline Park in Franklin and Choate Park playground in Medway.
Most important, we could not have accomplished all this without the support of our sponsors. Please check out our list of sponsors on our webpage at https://hollistonnewcomers.org/sponsors.
This past year, HNN was able to accomplish our mission of giving back and bringing people together. Whether you have lived in Holliston two weeks, two months, two years or more, Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors has something for you. If HNN sounds like something you want to be a part of - then become a member at https://hollistonnewcomers.org/members. We look forward to a new year of membership fun starting again in the fall as well as participating in town wide events along the way. See you around town!
Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors - Building Friendships, Building Community