Out Post Farm Awarded Grant

The Baker-Polito Administration today opened a Notice of Opportunity to strategically onboard new agricultural vendors for the Healthy Incentives Program (HIP). Eligible vendors include farmers’ markets, farm stands, mobile markets, and community-supported agriculture farm share programs (CSAs). Applications can be submitted through June 8.
Out Post Farm LLC is one of the Farm & Farmers’ Market SNAP Equipment Grant Awardees.
The Administration also announced that 17 farmers and farmers’ markets were awarded over $25,000 in equipment grants to expand local food access points for residents with low incomes across the Commonwealth. This second round of awards provides equipment at no cost to direct-marketing farms and farmers’ markets to facilitate the acceptance of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits at mobile locations.
A third round of the SNAP equipment grant funding opens on April 20th. Farmers and farmers’ markets can apply through September 23.
“Enrolling more Healthy Incentives Program vendors and opening another round of the SNAP equipment grant funding reflects the Administration’s commitment to offer Massachusetts households with healthy and culturally accessible food and support a strong local food system,” said Secretary of Health and Human Services Marylou Sudders. “These efforts build on the success of the Food Security Infrastructure Grant Program and the previous addition of 39 HIP vendors as we continue to promote food security across the Commonwealth.”
“The Baker-Polito Administration continues to seek opportunities that both strengthen the Commonwealth’s food supply system while also increasing access to healthy produce,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen Theoharides. “By expanding the Healthy Incentives Program and providing SNAP equipment benefits, we are able to better meet the needs of so many by directly addressing food insecurity issues within our communities.”
Applicants for the Notice of Opportunity will be evaluated on a multitude of criteria including their ability to establish HIP access points in areas with limited existing access or other food access barriers and respond to the needs of prioritized communities and populations, including among areas where food insecurity and rates of chronic disease have historically been disproportionately high. Vendors who can service SNAP clients with disabilities and/or Black SNAP clients, who have historically accessed fewer HIP locations compared to other client populations, will also be strongly considered. Further, applications will be evaluated on their ability to distribute food in innovative models that reach clients where they live and on vendors’ commitment to serve SNAP clients in culturally appropriate ways.
“The Healthy Incentives Program is a powerful tool in our work to address food security issues across the state. SNAP farm vendors also provide important access points for low-income individuals and families. These programs not only increase access to fresh, healthy and locally grown food for SNAP clients, but also bring critical economic support to our local farms and communities,” said Department of Transitional Assistance Acting Commissioner Mary Sheehan. “The HIP Notice of Opportunity will allow us to extend the reach of this impactful program to communities that have historically experienced higher rates of food insecurity and chronic disease or face structural barriers to food access, continuing the Administration’s focus on an equitable and just food system.”
“I wish to thank DTA for their leadership in administering the SNAP Equipment Grant, and USDA for funding the program which provides Massachusetts famers and farmers markets with mobile hardware and software in order to process SNAP and HIP transactions,” said John Lebeaux, Commissioner of the Department of Agricultural Resources. “Likewise, we are excited that DTA is releasing a HIP Notice of Opportunity. HIP has become integral to so many Massachusetts farms over the last few years, and we have seen a significant increase in HIP’s use during the pandemic. Additional farms joining the program will not only increase business opportunities for Massachusetts Agricultural businesses, but increase fresh food access for thousands of customers utilizing SNAP and HIP.”
The SNAP equipment grant program is offered through DTA, in collaboration with MDAR and with financial support from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). More information on the grant opportunity, applicant eligibility, and eligible equipment package.
The free mobile SNAP processing equipment, provided by Novo Dia Group, is available to eligible agricultural vendors, including new SNAP vendors and those in need of new equipment. Available equipment does not process credit or debit.
The winter SNAP equipment grant period was open from January 14, 2022 – February 18, 2022. Farms and farmers’ market are using this funding to receive new or updated SNAP processing equipment at no cost, facilitating the acceptance of SNAP at mobile locations across 17 communities. Learn about the previous round of funding.