Planning, Prevention and Preparation Help Families Maintain Dignity and Control
Mar 01, 2021 11:00AM ● By Dennis Sullivan & Associates
Our team had a recent experience with our client, “Mrs. Cronin” a member of our Lifetime & Legacy Protection Program (LLP Program). Mrs. Cronin and her late husband, Mr. Cronin attended a seminar we held over 20 years ago with the AARP Legal Services Network. We helped the Cronins establish their estate plan and they kept it up to date with their membership in the LLP Program at Dennis Sullivan & Associates.
Mr. Cronin passed in his 80s, and Mrs. Cronin eventually had to go to a nursing home at age 93. We kept in touch visiting her to update her plan.
We learned Mrs. Cronin was having difficulties paying some bills for real estate taxes; we investigated to determine her health and medical needs and ensure her wishes were being met. Although it took considerable effort and coordination, due to COVID-19 protocols we were able to coordinate services on Mrs. Cronin’s behalf.
Unfortunately, we were rebuffed by nursing home personnel numerous times., nevertheless we persevered on her behalf all while Mrs. Cronin was locked in her room because of COVID-19 restrictions.
Hard Work & Mrs. Cronin’s Diligence & Dedication Pays Off
Despite numerous challenges, we were able to work with the bank regarding Mrs. Cronin’s Trust and the Power of Attorney as well as coordinating with the nursing home physician. Persistence, passion, perseverance, compassion, care and commitment by our team prevailed and eventually all of Mrs. Cronin’s goals and objectives (financial, health, tax), as well as her choices for health care were honored. She was even successful avoiding the time delay and the cost of two probate court proceedings (one for disability and one after death).
Our Main Responsibilities Were Met on Behalf of Mrs. Cronin
We accomplished Mrs. Cronin’s efforts to exercise her legal rights to retain control of not only financial decisions, but also health decisions regarding end of life treatment made by trusted individuals, rather than having to go to court. Disability court proceedings are long and expensive and result in ongoing court involvement, expense and can mean unmet health and financial objectives.
Could you imagine if her care, was left up to the state, courts, and nursing home? Our team ensured that Mrs. Cronin’s choices were written into her documents, honoring that no unwanted extreme end of life measures were taken when the time came that she was at the end of life. We and her family were relieved that these goals were met.
Call 781-237-2815 or visit to discover the right steps to take now for peace of mind and for the future as the Cronin’s discovered.
Because of the pandemic it has been our experience that health care documents, DNRs and MA MOLSTs need to be reviewed and updated. Don’t let this happen to you.
Dennis Sullivan & Associates is a team of caring, compassionate highly-trained professionals who Protect Families for Generations. You and your family will benefit from the peace of mind of knowing you have done everything you can to protect yourself and your loved ones for generations. Call now 800-964-4295 or register for a free meeting at